Results Of Jackie Robinson West/ Philadelphia Taney Dragons Semifinal Game [VIDEO]
Chicago's Jackie Robinson West beats Philadelphia's Taney Dragons in the U.S. Semifinal game at the Little League World Series. Chicago will meet Mountain Ridge Las Vegas Saturday for the U.S. championship.
Make no mistake, this game has probably drawn the biggest ratings in TV tonight. Two of the most watched and most talked about teams of the Little League Worlds Series played their hearts out tonight. Both hoping to earn a spot in the U.S. Championship game Saturday August 23rd at 2:30 pm CT against Las Vegas. In the 6th inning Chicago walks away with the win 6-5, against Philly's Taney Dragons.
Chicago's all-black squad shows there's not only interest in baseball in urban communities, but there's some serious talent there as well. The biggest problem African American players face, with playing on a higher level baseball team/travel team, is money. Tournament ball is very expensive, especially the equipment. On top of that, the parent or parents have to work and can't take off to travel with the teams.
Chicago's Jackie Robinson West proves beyond a shadow of doubt the talent is there and they are an incredible team. Right now, they are also the much needed GOOD news, to come out of Illinois these days as well. Thankfully to get to the Little League World Series, these youngsters got a lot of help being a part of the Urban Initiative. The program helps provide resources essential to running successful leagues and where the funds ran short, several MLB superstars pitched as well as family, friends and their surrounding communities.
There was 34,000 people at Wednesday nights game, mostly to see 13-year old pitching sensation Mo'ne Davis. Her Philadelphia Taney Dragons took on the 15-0 kids from Mountain Ridge Las Vegas, Nevada. However, the Dragons couldn't close the 3-1 Vegas lead and lost any hope of catching up in the top of the 6th inning and ultimately lost the game 8-1. Below are some highlights.
Wednesday nights game was Taney's first loss of the series, which is why the Dragons ended up in tonight's elimination game against Jackie Robinson West of Chic-Town. By the way, in Wednesdays game against Mountain Ridge, Davis threw 55 pitches, struck out six and allowed three runs (all earned) in 2 1/3 innings. SHE DID NOT PITCH TONIGHT because of Little League's pitch-count rules.
Chicago's Jackie Robinson West will meet the Mountain Ridge Vegas club, in the U.S. championship game Saturday August 23rd 2:30 pm CT.