CPSB Votes To Give Teacher $2,500 Stipend
It's been a long time coming and some will even say it's barely scratching the surface, but the Calcasieu Parish School Board voted to give their teachers some relief. That overdue relief is coming in the form of a $2,500 stipend to all CPSB teachers and $1,750 to district employees. Though more is needed, all can agree that the funds are appreciated and certainly coming at a good time.
Many CPSB are barely making it, putting their lives and families at risk to contracting the COVID-19 virus, by going to work everyday. Not to mention, teachers and school board staff are still trying to recover from back-to-back hurricanes like everyone else. KPLC reports the Tuesday night school board meeting got heated at times as teachers and district employees expressed their frustrations with being overworked and underpaid. Karl Bruchhaus, Calcasieu Parish School District Superintendent, acknowledged everyone is going through tough times right now.
Bruchhaus told 7 News this years stipend was lower than usually, because the schoolboard needs to keep cash flow available to make hurricane repairs to school property around the parish. Needless to say, the extra funds are welcome for many. Teachers and CPSB employees can expect the emergency pay will be included on the December 18 payroll. For more details about the meeting and stipend click HERE.

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