Temporary Lane Closure: 5th Avenue & Highway 14
Lake Charles, LA. - Another temporary lane closure begins this week. How will it affect your daily route throughout the city? As always, we’ve got you covered with details that could potentially make your commute much easier.
Expect alternating lane closures beginning March 15 at 7:30 a.m., at the 3600 block of 5th Avenue, south of Willowick Avenue for about 500 feet. It’s temporary closure expected to last approximately two weeks.
Permitting the weather holds up, the outside, northbound lane of Highway 14 at Prien Lake Road will close beginning Saturday, March 25 at 5 a.m., lasting until Monday, March 27 at 5 a.m., said the City of Lake Charles press release.
The temporary closures are scheduled to allow for drainage improvements and street repair. Be aware of detour signs, and flagmen in the area assisting with traffic.