Trump Comes In Almost Dead Last In Latest U.S. President Poll
Donald Trump came in 41st place out of 44 presidents ranked best to worst. The former POTUS was ranked in a C-SPAN survey made up of some 142 historians, professors, and presidency professional analysts. According to reports, Trump did slightly worse than the shortest serving president in U.S. history, William Henry Harrison. He was the ninth President of the United States and after only 31 days in office, Harrison died of pneumonia at the age of 68.
POTUS 45 was also ranked behind the tenth President of the United States, John Tyler. Tyler's famous claims to shame: Most of his cabinet resigned soon after he took office, members of his own party called him " His Accidency," he was expelled from his own party, would become the first president to have a veto overridden by Congress, sided with the Confederacy, and last but certainly not least, was elected to the Confederate House of Representatives.
I guess the good news for Trump is that he didn't come in dead last. He edged out our nation's three worst presidents of all time: #14 Franklin Pierce, #17 Andrew Johnson, and #15 James Buchanan. In contrast, former President Barack Obama moved up two spots and cracked the top ten presidents of all time. To see the complete list of the best to worst presidents from the C-Span survey, click here.