2017 Summer Soccer Camps In SWLA
Soccer is the most popular sport in the world. There's more than 270 million teams the globe and counting. There's a good reason for that, it's just down right fun to play. Believe it or not, there's also a lot benefits to playing this sport. For parents it's one of the least expensive sports, with the fewest amount of injuries. For kids, it's fun, they don't have to be a super athlete, and it's not difficult to learn. Plus, playing the game is a good way to stay in shape. Player build muscle strength and endurance.
With that said... if your looking for something sporty for your kids to do this summer, send them to soccer camp! Below is a list of some of the camps being offered in the SWLA area:
St. Louis Catholic HS Summer Soccer Camp
June 13, 14, 15
Moderate level traing and fun soccer activities for players aged 4 - 14 years
Soccer Academy Advanced Player Camp
June 19 thru 23
Challenging soccer training sessions for players looking to be pushed to reach their potential aged 10 - 18 years
Calcasieu Soccer Club Summer Camp
July 10 thru 14
Moderate level training and fun soccer activities for recreation level players aged 3 - 12 years
For more info on these camps go to http://cscsoccerclub.org/resources/campsclinics/. For more info on the benefits of soccer, click here. Save The Date!!! Fall Soccer Registration Opens JULY 1, 2017, contact the Calcasieu Soccer Club for more details.