Faye-Brown Blackwell Funeral Services
Funeral services for the late Faye-Brown Blackwell, owner of KZWA Radio have been announced.
KPLC TV reports that home going services for the late Faye-Brown Blackwell, owner of KZWA Radio, will take place January 30th - 31st. Blackwell passed after a long illness at 1:27 am Wednesday January 21st at a local hospital in Lake Charles. She was 72.
Friday Jan. 30th their will be An Evening of Remembrance at Mount Pilgrim Baptist Church located at 119 N. Banks Street. The following day, Saturday Jan. 31st the funeral services will take place at Trinity Baptist Church located at 1800 Country Cub Road.
Visitation begins at 8 am with the funeral immediately following at 11 am.