Infamous Toronto Mayor Rob Ford Succumbs Of Cancer [VIDEO]
Former Toronto Mayor Rob Ford succumbs to cancer at the young age of 46. While alot of folks know Drake as really putting it on for Toronto. There is more to the Toronto Maple Leafs and that is possibly one of the most popular mayors in the past few years. Rob Ford has faced his share of demons from Drug Use and run ins with several people of Toronto. To even becoming a spectacle of late night television where every late night host has had their share of making him the but of jokes.
Well the sad word comes that after finding out that he had Cancer in late 2014, it has claimed his life at the age of 46. Here is the latest information with a pretty telling clip that focuses on his past to his present and all in between.
Cancer is truly taking alot of people out and it's sad that there are no known cures at the moment. I am sure that he leaves behind several great memories for the folks of Toronto and our prayers are with his family during this time of sadness.