Early Voting Times And Locations
Early voting for the election of the President of The United States of America is officially underway. The following are the times and locations to cast your vote.
Trust me, it is much easier to vote during early voting. You will find little to no lines. Are ready? Remember, you must complete the whole ballad and this year it's a little lengthy. Also, for you first time voters, remember DO NOT PRESS THE "CAST VOTE" BUTTON UNTIL ARE THROUGH WITH THE ENTIRE BALLOT. ONCE YOU PRESS IT, THAT'S IT.
I have a easy way for you to get through the voting process quickly and accurately. After all their is a 3 minute time limit once you get in the voting booth. First you will need a sample ballot. To get one online follow these steps: Simple go to GEAUXVOTE.COM, click on “ARE YOU A VOTER”, click “FIND VOTER”, then click “BY VOTER” enter your info and click submit, at the top click “BALLOT INFORMATION”, then “WHAT’S ON MY BALLOT” and there you have it. Your sample ballot. This is exactly what you will see when you get in the voting booth. Print it out, fill it out and bring it with you to the polls on election day. You can also get a sample ballot at the Registrar of Voters office and in the newspaper. However my first choice would be the online version.
You will notice that in addition to several presidential candidates, you will also need to chose 1 candidate for Congress to work with the president, vote on 9 amendments and a couple of other things depending on where you are.
For a "plan English" explanation of the amendments click here, http://www.parlouisiana.org. The amendments are numbered and explain in a simple way as to what will happen if you vote for or against. Just check them off as you decide on your sample ballot and your pretty much good to go.
For more details on the candidates running for Congress click here.
Finally, early voting hours are 8:30 a.m.-6:30 p.m. now through Tuesday October 30th, excluding Sunday October 28th. If you have questions or concerns don't hesitate to call the Registrar of Voters office at 337-721-4000.
Early voting locations are at the following:
1. The Registrar of Voters office - In the old court house (the with the dome on top) on Ryan Street on the second floor.
2. West Calcasieu Business Center- In Sulphur next to the police station at 500 A. N. Huntington.
3. Moss Bluff library-261 Parish Rd.